Saturday, October 30, 2010

Little Ulcer On My Gum

And with this title, which could well be that of a scary movie or laughter, I mean what has happened to my father and this morning.

every year, or almost all at least go to the cemetery a few days before All Saints with my mother and my older aunts (Aunt Tere and Special aunt, older cousin of my mother), they know the ways of a tomb to another with their eyes closed, if that of my grandparents, great-grandmother and aunt died at birth, to the aunt Paquita, the uncle of Joseph and others that escape me and kinship. We and everyone: clean the stone, we change the flowers, and they remember stories.

Well this year has been a weekday morning when I worked, and my father years ago was not going to the cemetery so we decided to venture on our own. My mother. The laps that we have! I into the complicated which is a cemetery, I have a pretty good sense of direction, but going with my father because he was the leader, and I will follow ...

joke I suggested already that if we gave some more laps would see wisps at night and would leave lighted pumpkins pieces of grass, instead my father thought that if we took one more turn would give us action.

the end we will not know because we have located the grave that we wanted to visit.

The lap was easier.