Friday, May 6, 2011

How Much Does A Linguist In The Uk Earn?

These days I have been off 3 weeks in a row. I took the high and an Argentine doctor told me to send "to the pu * a mother" to the people who are constantly asking for "the baby." I have written, my angel, a beautiful poetry. Sinnett has embraced me and told me to have 1000 minutes a month to spend on me (at least one fall, I just called). And that do not know what happens to me xD. I gained about 3 kg, and now it's me I understand that I must lose weight, is my mother who says she does not need. I dreamed of "my people." I have spoken on vacation. I've done the equivalent twitterer of groupies. I've done a session of acupressure. I have read. I tabletting. I made a cheesecake. The other day aubergine stuffed with vegetables. I have told some that I passes. Others do not. I've had visits from my friends, husbands, children, families.
In these days I decided to live. Let's do this!


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