Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wood Stove Pipe For Trailer House

All I Want For Christmas Is New Year's Day

I have really looking forward to this year 2010 ends, and high hopes in the beginning.

has been officially one year shit. The first great year of shit in my life. But good does not do justice to the rest of the decade, which has been fantastic with great learning, great discoveries and great friends.

In the decade from 2001 to 2010 (sorry Fran J!) highlighted England above all, with all that entailed and entails, and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmy eternal Barcelona behind. And then we have the stable work. It is also the decade of Harry Potter and American Idol. And my blog. And facebook. If something I will remember this time will be why he stressed. And people ... Ah! The guys that have marked this decade, which I can only say thanks. That's a good balance right? Well see within 10 years if the balance is better yet)

Anyway, Happy New Year to all, and thanks for being there.

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Do You Think Of Inecto

Too bad, Chata (Version 2.0)

- As you know the camera is spoiled me in Sardinia this summer.
- When I took her to settle in September, it worked (before it is fixed!)
- At the wedding I had that same September 5 photos the camera did well and suddenly everything is blurred.
- And so it went until early December I took to fix, I did not spend Christmas without a camera.
- On Christmas Eve morning, finally, my father went to recogermela (I had gone two days before and still was not). € 70 to pony up ¬ ¬ '
- Christmas Eve night, the shot (accidentally, of course) to the ground, he jumps a piece and open the casing, the camera turns on and off alone.
- I twist the night was the culmination of my Annus Horribulus, come to mourn.
- Christmas without photos.
- 26 Yesterday, I go to Media Markt and PC City and in the latter I buy another camera and anti insurance bad luck for 3 years. Q € 50 I played in the lottery to the m ** rda to repairs, and insurance new camera + me up for 100 ...
- And finally, this morning, my mother asking for the bill and under the camera to see if insurance would cover of the household. I give the camera y. .. Works ...

Too bad, flat!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hemorrhoid From Waxing

see that I am Clumsy (Music by Antonio Machin Put him)

I laugh because it's like to laugh. I've been around the year 2010, since the middle of January I did it with a digital scale, weighing heavily in the morning, not all but enough, and I was pointing in a graphical apaƱao Sea, now at this point imagine there had their peaks (the highest peak in June when I was sick xD), it was clear what had been the evolution of the year, and could easily see I do not know, the heavy in the wedding Monica, on my birthday or around the holidays in Sardinia.

Well a few days ago it did not come to firefox, where he had hidden the navigation history that led me to that chart and now that has given me weigh myself after a couple of weeks ... I do not see in the history. Glups. Sure. Those couple of weeks ago just spent the last thousand CCleaner which I installed my cousin and I had not used so far by a problem I had when installing a program for British television, that screwed up uninstall something and could not enter to any site (or expolaradores or the messenger or anything). I solved this, but ... and cookies were deleted! Asii queeeee a year of intensive maintenance in the merde xD. Well always be historical memory, that of "I started with" x "kilos and now weigh" x-11 "

But is not the same.