Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dental Hygienist Personal Statement

Awards. Twenty days

I hope you had a perfect day. Mine has not been the best but really, I can not complain.
Anyway, today I congratulate and thank you . Why Why? Because thanks to you I have this blog, thanks to all of you who follow me and my tickets comentaĆ­s. Thanks to all those who are always there, supporting.
The other day, six of my followers give me the sweetest blog Award. So today I am about to give this award to 10 of you. First of all:
The rules of this award are:
- Give it to 10 bloggers.
- Do not forget to put the rules.
Now that I've told all my winners of this award are the sweetest blog:
Well, once given the awards to the blogs that I thought the best I know, I mean, I had thought many more, but since the rules are ten , I'm sorry.
A big kiss to everyone and be happy!


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