Thursday, January 6, 2011


Reyes What I can ask?

Happy New Year to everyone! I am a little late but arrived is not it?
I'm spending the day of Reyes as I did last year, with bad body (I have searched a soft synonym for what I'm doing but not finding what I leave to your imagination.) I do not want to take it as a prediction that will be a year like the past, I have to do my part, and I will do is physical question whether these problems had repeatedly last year, but I have Coconut problems. The first is to admit.

Last year my best friend, Rake, went to live in Catalonia for work, is an overall improvement for her, is learning, with curriculum and, sometimes, winning points. But it has made me reconsider my respect depend on our friendship, which is the closest thing to a boyfriend (without the sexual roll and such, of course xD) I have for a lifetime. No one knew what to do of the two and just used to call us and we went down even at a walk. I was never alone.

Sometimes we talk about our future fears and I said "poverty" is not going to make me give explanations, but she knew them, knows them and understand them. Now I know more and I must add "to the loneliness." Okay, okay, in principle I am not alone, I have my family and I have many good friends, but everyone has someone closer as me. Someone

months ago, sensing that could pose a problem made me see that Rake has a boyfriend, and when plans have become common and our calls of "What are you doing?" Go down? " not be the same. Apart the fact that each one is going to live in a place, I can not rely on physical proximity and immediate life. But I can not help but think when I think of my future apartment in something close to my house, keeping the neighborhood as core binding. In fact I made these Christmas madness going to ask about apartments being built near my house and I moved to look for a mortgage because I would. The distress was great, as intuiréis, so that is postponed until you have paid the car in late 2012, I planted 31 years ... uff! if you still think it should be and is not overwhelmed me more, and if I'm honest I Heart Home I'm fine, I have this need to get out but you should, and like all the world moves I should too. There are those who do marry, having children, buying a house ... Right now I "struggle" for stability in my work, my finances ... And some more. ***

third ^ _ ^ This year the Kings have brought me some boots larger size because the shoes I bought my usual size I are doing some pupae xD toes, and fix what is left with templates! an air pouch to use precisely Fallas Fallas rather than go with the blouse and a daily bag (we will see that such failures are this year ...), a suitcase four wheels since mine is to retire, good service has served since that first trip in April 2005 in England. Other than that my father bought me a bracelet gold with marine motifs, I do not wear gold, "yellow", but he has chosen, how can I do to change it?. And finally my brother bought me the car radio and that is to replace the one that died last June, only now I have to take to install me is that I sync with the steering wheel is a plus but I think I want to keep, so as I've saved the radio will have to stretch in the installation!. Besides a skewer sweets and chocolate Wise Man (bad day for it lol) what have you brought with you?


Finally, angel, for you may have been small, for me it was very big and important, and of course I want you in this decade.


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