Sunday, February 20, 2011

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not about to forget, trying to remember without getting hurt. Valentine

- What do I do?
+ do not know. Think right now .. Do you feel the need to talk?
- Yes, but would not know what ..
+ two of us. I now I can not live without it, because it has reached a point that you need to live.
- is that's what I want, I do not need you, you know? I do not want to be an obsession .. Get it out and Marga
+ .. Get it out of your mind, forget about it.
- It is not so easy ..
+ But then it will be more difficult ..
- I'll try, but I can promise you ..

I recommend not, nobody, none of you. My advice? Think things through before making a decision, you may equivoquéis, you finish like me and you can not rectify. It is the worst.
I hope you have a great week!


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