Sunday, April 24, 2011

Movie Ticket Prices In Ottawa

Third time lucky.

I got up this morning and was alone, the bed was empty but still could feel a little heat in the empty space to my right. It was gone. So I got up and ran down the stairs the room was empty, in the bathroom and the kitchen was empty. I went up and looked at the closet was empty, let alone a shirt lying on the floor. He took his clothes, his computer, and even his records. No hope of return. The mobile no call, no message. Zero explanations.
day I was lying in bed, without leaving, without crossing the doorway. Days and weeks away from work and without taking the phone. Eating chocolate, pizza, and seeing to teleshopping. Hacambiado my life completely, and do not know why but I can not stay that way.
Today, oddly it seems, is the first day I feel pretty since he left. I went out at night, I got into a nightclub, and smoked all that he would not let me, I got drunk and lost control. I met a guy with a really nice voice, or rather sensual. I did not think twice, we kissed, and just at home. I woke up before the stranger and drove, I fled. I dressed and went out of that portal in a taxi.
night I regretted having escaped from that bed, and went out. New club, new environment, different people. A cocktail, well two, three, maybe seven. I lost count. In view a handsome boy, jacketed, elegant and stylish tie. We chatted, got drunk, he got drunk and new bed. This time I pretended to be asleep and I stayed. He awoke about twenty minutes, I woke up, asked me my name and a face a bit odd to me and said he was promised his wife would come in two days. I left.
It was not to let the world come over me I left a third time. A nightclub similar to the first but with a lot more friendly. Different types of music, too modern. Two drinks and too many names to remember. Front of me a group of guys, and when I walked, I turned around IMMEDIATELY. Was he was there. What was he doing there? I grabbed my coat, I mingled among the people, and took a taxi to my house. I came, I went upstairs, and. I was at my door. Prevented me from going through and not removed.
- Go, now. I siphon Reuben, you left and were not able or say goodbye, What brings you here now? What to recall?
+ I love you.
- do you go! What I'm not a toy! I've had my fill of you, I do not see you anymore, GO!
+ I love you.
- Shut up. - What I pushed her away and walked into my house, put his foot, and could not close the door.
+ I love Silvia. Let me in, talked, and I'll explain everything.
entered without me discussing that last sentence. Came in and took off his coat. And he kissed me, and no word. And he said I love you, but whispering in his ear, very softly, imperceptibly.
The next day I woke up and was gone. I could not believe, is again!? I went down walking, unhurriedly, with no hope, and as I approached I started to smell like coffee a toast, and maybe a little burnt, but what I liked, that voice, that voice was the most beautiful, sensual and sweet saying

Crying And Broken Capillaries In Eye

These Days Night Berlanga Wedding

Everything was fine within a certain order and a concert. Received visits at home all day to see how they go, calls etc. But when he approaches the dinner (here soon), things start to rush. I do not find winter pajamas and into a frescurri what I wanted, so I've done a combined gym pirates, pink socks (pq up on his feet had fresquillo) and T 6 years ago, long sleeve without clamping but finite. The light goes, the automatic jump, those things. Do not be alarmed, from time to time passes, more in winter now but it happens. We started things off, we had set the oven to heat up sandwiches for dinner we thought, while the minutes passed, my mother begins to grill the sausages, because at least we had gas. Light had no way to recover or making him mouth to mouth. So with my pintillas called two friends, that if I am visible to me "man for me I do not see me going to see much," but of course I was not to lose. All through the kitchen and hallway. Gulf grunting boyfriend / partner of my friend. I decide to remove the sandwiches from the oven dnd had gone though the light would not pass the "carmela" where my mother was grilling sausages. My friends who are going after summarize as I am. We'll dine at candlelight. My mother when she hears the elevator door equips after entry to see if the neighbor to make harassment and demolition (official hands.) Neither let him home with his wife, hey ... I with my paint that I dare not breathe, much less not to move the dining room and neighbor Begooo, how are you? " and I do not even know what my parents have told the neighbors these days or if the news have already flown and it turns out I have not, nor imagine. Whoever minimum on and off, and I say at least 20 times the lights. My headache is increasing, but I can not go for a pill. And as the neighbor to come to find "the origin of evil" to me is no bra chair, pirate trousers, the cloth all stained with ketchup (pq any right in his sausage!) And I dying of an attack something, not what but something.
not that they have been, but we have the oven out of place in the middle of the kitchen, wearing the butterworts left behind in all his splendor, that light is another thing, my mother promised to neighboring alcohol, cigarettes, whatever it is (what if I think he has missed only drugs!), and the neighbor that announces gonna be a dad, and if I do not know is I have pq not on facebook, add him to the Cityville ¿? jajaja

Bego Welcome home! Easter ^ _ ^

PS: Today was the wedding

Friday, April 22, 2011

Connection Diagram Of Sumeet Mixi

The Unknown

The unknown scares. I'm in the hospital since last Sunday, after some testing, which were a lot of testing on Wednesday gave me quite conclusive results of what happens to me. It's something I'm going to have to live life, something that scares, but pq know what, I am going to try to know the unknown and you're invited to the rest of my life trying to take me with him as much as possible.

Follow the guidelines that mark me, being very positive, avoid some things, qualify the importance of things internally, and thank you very much all the wonderful people that are here in the hospital, or by telephone, with goodies , candy, flowers and many minds are making me less hard this week so hard.

Well before I put the last drip of the day (I hope) disconnect. Did you see that even the Internet have brought me to the hospital? : D

A kiss

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Golds Gym Adjustable Dumbbells


- Why left me?
+ I stopped loving you.
- Were you in love with me?
+ I spent months in love, were the reason for getting up every day. But after so long, I know just the magic ..
- What did I do wrong? - Asked, his voice quivering and aguntandome desire to mourn.
+ Nothing. Seriously, you did everything right. Estubistes always there, always needed a kiss, I love you, advice or support, you were always there. No faults at all. Never failed me.
- And then .. Why do I feel like a fool?
+ ...
to that question, I had no answer.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Superfeet Insoles How Do I Use Superfeet?

Pili + Hospital

I know that I do not spend long here but I do not write anything ... born
In all this time I followed doctors, digestive and neurology, and they referred me to the hospital (I was going to medical specialties), the gastroenterology in the hospital have not seen him yet but the new neurologist after I had some pruebillas in his office, asking questions and especially to see the results of the MRI brain that made me In February, he thought it best to enter me and make me some tests to rule out some possibilities and see what happens to me, pq is that I have something in the brain, so at least I have to do another MRI brain q for has evolved, a spinal MRI and lumbar puncture. If "luck" will contact q digestive advantage that I'm in the hospital to see if I want to do some test them as well, although as yet had no doctorate is not assigned. Total this afternoon at 18:30 or so hospital admission and is not released when pq me the other day the doctor told me I did not know how long it would take, although I talked about the possibility give me a high weekend for Easter itself (since Thursday? "from Wednesday afternoon?), which would be very grateful because I have a very important wedding next Sunday near Barcelona.

And this brings me to the second part of the post. Yesterday was the wedding of Pili, a friend since high school and intelligent part of the group haha. It is the most discreet of all, shy, hardworking, enterprising and a good friend and married the man for her, with whom he shared hobbies, business and love. I think all we saw in Florida the right person the first day and since yesterday are husband and wife.

The wedding was after short preparations, we were told in February and have been at that time preparing everything including home record, but yesterday everything went perfect. Moni

I left him with a dress that I felt very pretty and as fate would have 24 hours of the wedding I ran out of "my stylist official" so I had to go to my hair and makeup to a hairdresser that cost me say that half of the wedding gift!

We went to get off your patio to the bride, who was gorgeous, with part of his family. At a wedding so familiar to be invited was an added joy. The wedding was held in the same church as they did 4 years ago and Luisvi Eva, and the priest as nice as we remembered and we live a couple of months ago when we were Fany and I do witnesses. Endearing. We went

time while the couple were pictures and I Portsaplaya Fany all wedding empindongadas crossing into people who went fishing or people in shorts. We burst out laughing. Water bottle with a straw. We did our own photo boook. We took many turns for "Little Venice" when we wanted to report was late, we headed out toward the left could just throw us the possibility of water right xD painting. The car was parked in the mà fer (which is still very far.) What cojemos, we get on a path typical of Paris Dakar and tb Fany speed is. Turn around and go back where we came. Finally we take a normal road and headed toward the place dnd will treat and where a while ago and is still the cocktail. The GPS system is worth studying Fany. The Lord of the praiseworthy that the latest indications do not ask us to look at his face, legs Fany looks driving xD.

And we finally, after many boats we imagined ourselves desrringlás disheveled and coming and saying "we are aquiiiii." Of course I was all over the world, dating included. Photos and more photos.

were at the table with the girls to say goodbye (I say you better not bounce) and the husband of one of them. Very nice everyone. But we lacked Rake, touched him to stay Barcelona working on the bad blood of their comrades in charge @ sy s: (

Eating cock, very nice place, music collections of classic love songs and BSO, a lot of laughter, at times Barça-Madrid Vero by mobile and a few that kiss, the couple live and to kiss the godfathers of rigor.

After the dance, which I danced with the groom with the bride, mother of the bride and who crossed my path (which came to be my table) and house at a time quite reasonable.

I will tell you that is my life in the future hehehe

I leave some photos yesterday, which look exactly the reverse to as I have uploaded: D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ocular Migraine Image

.. & Heal every wound.

Come it's worth, yes, perhaps I'm not like her nor do I look like her or whites of the eyes. It may be more selfish, or possessive, but I need to love me.
Not that I want to love me, no. Is that I need. I need it because I have so much time and I believe that neither has realized that I exist. I need it, because I know what I feel for him because I love him. And it could offer much more than she gives him.
And may all my faults would provoke him, it is their fault that I have as many failures as I have .. but I can not do anything. I can not improve further.
often think that if he did not exist, my life would not be life, because it's all there is to it. But no, I've realized that maybe, and only then, if he did not exist, is when we could start living my life.
could take another path, start thinking of me, stop shedding tears at night, begin to fall in love with someone you really love me. Someone who can see all the pain he caused me and heal each wounds.
I do not know why I love him, because I know he'll never be able to fix everything that has broken.
feel the lack of entries increases, the truth is that I have no imagination. I've been sick and I even thought about deleting it .. I hope you'll understand. Blog of time standing still. A big kiss to every one of my followers, you are great.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Losing Lots Of Mucus Plug And Baby Engaged

I want too much.

wanted ask a whole list of things .. but then, like most people, drop by my .. So you ask the really important. I want the poor do not exist because we are all wealthy. I want no one goes hungry or thirsty or cold or heat, I want everyone to be happy. I want to lower prices and wages rise. I do not want to see anyone rummaging in the garbage. I want no such wars. I do not want dictatorship, and death sentences. Outside the machismo, violence and hooliganism. Goodbye graffiti, graffiti and insults. I want people to learn to value what you have. Be brave, do not be afraid. They know have fun, enjoy and mourn with laughter. Positive people, optimism and hope. Let there be no people with disabilities. Let there be no people envious, shallow, bitter, selfish, egocentric, or anything like it. None of lies and falsehoods. I want to recycle, not to miss the world that is not eternal.
I know, I have not asked that there are no penalties, but is that it exists. Not very much, but they exist. I'm not crazy if you think it, but it is the only way to learn.
falling from people learn and getting up, but then again we know to fall.
If there is no sadness, joy would be worthless.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Best Bombay Aloo Recipe

Everything changed for her.

She is a girl unmarried and without obligation. It has a perfect life, or as close to that. It has some amazing friends, a family that wants to infinity, some studies with tuition and dreams, many dreams to fulfill. It's a great girl: friendly, loving, beautiful, tall, brunette, slim, smart, outgoing, sociable and fun. Know the friends to combine the studies and of course with the family. Not appreciate, enjoy, love, forgive and forget if needed. It's nothing selfish or egocentric, much less jealous or spiteful. Is the perfect girl, right? No, as every human person has a flaw, is that although it is very mature for his 16 years, it is also very innocent. Why? Because it relies heavily on people. Too.
''I never think in the future because it comes too early''said Albert Einstein . And that she did not know her whole life would change overnight if that night out and know Him When He said - Hello. and invite her to a drink.
He's another guy'' perfect''but only physically. Has one major flaw, or a great virtue: it is a PERFECT HANDLER.
And with its perfect physical, brown eyes, your body whilst taking, and great quality, the conquer her. Makes you feel the luckiest girl then manipulate as much as possible. Take away their freedom will lose their self-esteem, I will say it is a useless and serves no purpose, and of course, leave alone.
The will think that the only thing is he wants, that is worth nothing and that He is all that is left.
And after all this come the insults, shouts, and of course, fights.