Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do Condiment Packets Go Bad


Oh yes, I'll spend everything that hurt me. I'll spend the guys and their little boy games. What we're not your throwaway toys! I turn to the absurd comments of criticism from people who do not know what they say, I will to lose my time defending the indefensible. I got tired of being the good of the film, and for good to be silly. I got tired of screaming when one listens to me and pretend to smile when I mourn.
Now I have to change. I show them that I'm playing manipulated, I'm no fun. Desmostraré I'm not always a girl laughs and also talk about serious issues. I will stop spending hours in front of the books and I'll show more. Will achieve more independence and more affectionate. Calm down my temper if that do that around me everything is going better. Make the best of myself and focus on my problems. I will not be the angel of the world, which solves the problems of others, but that his life is a real mess because they do not have time for her.
From now on, dear world : GOING TO ENJOY.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Is It Working At Menchie's

CONGRATULATIONS S. Yes, today is the birthday of the person that is so important in my life and I want more than a lot, infinite. It is not my boyfriend or my best friend, no, nothing like that, but my MOTHER .
Le quería dar las GRACIAS , por TODAS y cada una de las cosas que ha hecho por mi.
Por traerme a este mundo, por darme cariño, una educación, comida, un colegio. Gracias por enseñarme a hablar, a comer, a andar.. Por enseñarme tantísimas cosas y por todo el tiempo que ha empleado en mí. Por todos esos días que no podía dormir y ella estubo conmigo; o cuando estaba enferma, por cuidarme y protegerme. Por hacer posibles todos mis caprichos: tenis, atlétismo, natación, hípica.. y more. Because I know that although sometimes scolds me, do it for my sake, because she never wanted anything that was bad for me, because it teaches me and makes me better. Because it is the person who I know better in this world. Because as a mother is not NOBODY . Because a mother knows your faults and your virtues, and he loves you as you are. Because he knows when you are well and when you want to mourn, because he knows when you have problems, because they know solutions.
Because whatever you do, always there to give you a hug.
That's a mother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
With this post I'm not going to get many comments or to upload my fans, but it is not my intention. The purpose of this post, I think it is quite clear, CONGRATULATE THE DAY MY MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY.
PS: Congratulations to Laura, turning the blog into the world, who turns 16 years old today.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lymphedema More Condition Symptoms

Do not waste your life.

You know you have to do to live well life? Stop being so high-developed, have if you realize once this is worse.
Arise in the morning and salt in their pajamas to the street, painted nails, each with a color and give you the same if you go or not dream of going from Madrid to Barcelona in scooter, dinner with churros chocolate and breakfast steak and chips, sleeping by day and make the world at night, take an umbrella in the middle of August and go to the beach with, , laugh, mourn anytime ..
why you are unhappy, because you can not have fun, do not know what it is doing crazy things, do not know how to enjoy life you have, because you can not live! Y is that life does not come with an instruction manual, but is that even if I did, I'd throw it away, because I do not need, because each person writes their rules and your life.
With each of my 70 wonderful fans who give me such support and strength to keep having hope in this blog. You are much . MIL BESOS!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sinus Infection After Stomach Flu?

I am.

envy people who could have provided the same group of friends. This group of friends who know from an early age and they are still your best friends.
I, fortunately or unfortunately, that I could not live. But my ESO ME DA SAME ..
These people did not have what I had. Neither lived what I lived. Yes, I admit, my life is a mess full of crazy, but I like that.
When you say "Hey I've been to London and Paris" and look at you to face ... Fuck YOU. In those moments I could give a good cut and name all the places where I have lived or visited, but I prefer to keep quiet, act as if my life was normal, although it is not.
is hard, very hard to change your life overnight. It is difficult to accept that your life around 360 degrees so big in so little time, that you have to move, say goodbye to the people you love. To have cost someone else, my good, I cost, I had a hard .. But here I am, I'm happy (sometimes) ..
just know he would not trade my life for any! Soy como soy, and who does not like, fuck.

This entry was written at a very good FRIEND of course, deserved to put it here. As you read, your life .. Not the best I could have. You move every 3 years, so that every time, you have to leave everything behind and start again from 0. Do not know when you come to leave and not seeing his smile and good cheer every day is an amazing girl.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who Are Denise Milani Parents

have already been Fallas 2011 ended, curious and different from the usual faults, but what is unusual, if last year was not Rake? Our large monument was not no prize, but it makes sense if you see ninots we had (except the center was a nice guess), but the child fallita took something even if the award 18 of the first section, ah! and funny 2 º prize "Xufa of Valencia" to be proud of the men of the commission lol, in fact the reward for what I've read on the internet we are supposed to 200 liters of orchata.

the night of 16 we went to the fault rival (for whom we are not rivals because they play in 1st division and we are little more than regional: P) to recover a faller traitor there has been this year, between one thing and another we finally Liam and we stayed up until 4 am with the faller traitor, my ex compi Vanesa work, some friends of hers and a few of our fault, with no is that usually we talk too much with an orchestra that had on your street.
morning on 17 classical and wild fell cocacolita the afternoon sun and set-up for the offering, with Moni and Almudena invited (so to speak, pay, pay out in offering) and the low of the Navy, that morning went to the U.S.. As exciting as every year, with new prayers to the Virgin, would say that all health related. Exciting when contraviniiendo Central Board orders Fallera expect the full committee and musicians doing corridors to our Children and Fallera Fallera Mayor Mayor (and waited and waited, making them whole hall to two committees that hallucinations), see his emotion, his tears as we threw kisses with both hands, I was thrilled. On reaching the bus brings us the failure to reach home with broken feet and hips ground alucinabamos of having to go some falleras standing in the aisle while men who are very comfortable with his suit and flat shoes, occupied seating. Mu whip.
The 18 we went to by Fran J Train Station, and gave us just enough time to get out of it and stay in a small stall of ice cream, would be at least 10 at 14:00 minutes and this is what we are. We heard from there mascletà 350 meters from City Hall (google maps dixit) without the pounding on our feet and the smell of gunpowder wrapping but also enjoying. Where's Wally?
Back home we passed the Bishop mascletà friend who has pretty good reputation, and that if that proximity, we got drunk with gunpowder. A house, eat and then we stayed with Evita, Luisvi, David, and Fany. The evening went on, strangely, in failure of a mall. Evening dinner Fallera Mayor, all served with catering, it seemed a wedding, we had a guest artist Fran J tb ... there xD After living in danger a little bit of dancing in our tent (including this small train in which I got out of the blue Marta, our fallera more children) and at 2, change clothes prior to "fix" comfortable, we went to Torrefiel of festivals until about 6 with Fany, Cris, Juanse and friends of my friends, uh, go mess xD There Rake fell by a red hat that he was calling a few days ago and mine a bespectacled plastic, which also gave a lot of game.

Day 19, San Jose, ordering a meal to celebrate Father's Day and then at last! see Special a failure because we had not seen a single flaw in this category. Jerusalem convent, pretty, with many amusing details as Gaddafi and Berlusconi in cages in a backwards kind of zoo of humans. Again, nice but not spectacular as those made for Nou Campanar when budgets were completely shot, this year the crisis, the cap on the budget and the demarcation of the fault with so much building around have been noticed. Just get to the neighborhood for the last mascletà that the launch on 19 at 15:00

Afternoon descend to the failure to paint our t to hippy costume for cablagata and 17:30, and tuned, this was our appearance ...

Right after the ride my stomach ache became "so-bad-at-what-you-usually-finish-the-pain-to-belly" . At home, thinking that I had screwed up the end of the flaws I took a couple of medication and rest to the child when the cream came to see Moni tb, Sam, a couple of his friends, Aran, David, mother and Moni's boyfriend and Aran. Our failure is a classic for them, choosing any cremà more spectacular:)
Almost without me finish watching the last flames of the fallita child, I had to dismiss and to congratulate the Chairman and Senior Falleras pq, for the first time since I was not going to faller see the cream of our biggest failure, or dinner with the rest of the committee and help dismantle the shed. My father is retiring this year and this was his last Cremà, so my mother, brothers and I have seen the cream of the failure of Mercy, one of the more difficult by the proximity of the buildings.

a partner in this photo patting my father in the back, while others few soaked a facade. The truth is that it was different from what we usually see each March 19 and has not been bad.

Upon returning to the neighborhood, via taxi, I see the last flames of the great fault, my people and yet not entered with the rest of the committee, I drink coca-cola with disadvantages, they tell me pancha is good for and I find that many falleros with bad belly, so that either we have caught a virus or something from dinner the Mayor Fallera has gone bad. I know, bad for many, the consolation of fools ... A curious end to a curious failure. And next year again:)

Job Seekers Allowance How Much

box office.

A room with turquoise walls, three tables and a large window overlooking the sea, and here I am lying in bed, hoping that you deign to call. I've been too long without knowing anything about you, and the last sentence you said before you turn around and escape was:
- Rebeca need time, not look for me or call me .. Need to be alone for a while and get everything clear, know what you truly want.
Since then disappeared. Now has been two weeks, three hours and forty-five minutes and no sign, nothing. Of course, I could not find him not accomplish that because I went through almost the whole city, and has to do again today, want to see. And it is not to say I love you, but that's what I feel. Want to see him to say he is a jerk for letting me spin, because part of kissing (which I will not do) the only thing that would make it across the face. Just thinking about it pisses me off. So let's think for a moment, take my MP4, I do a high ponytail, my scooter, and go as fast as you can to feel the wind in your face. I will not let me remove it to live.
Di round and round the coast and the city center for 3 hours and just when I returned had a letter in my mailbox: END OF YEAR AWARDS OF AINHOA SÁNCHEZ. THESE GUEST, THE DAY 23 AT 8 IN THE INSTITUTE. I HOPE TO SEE YOU. BESITOS.
want to go 0. All his friends were there, those whom he has been avoiding for a month.
Day 23 in the afternoon. Voicemail: Reeeebe! Hope to see you in my loving fellowship! I miss you, hope you are! Be my best gift! I love you beautiful. A million kisses.
If it had not received it .. I would not have gone. But Ainhoa \u200b\u200bmade me feel guilty. So 4 hours before the party left scrambling to find a dress, high heels two meters high and something that made me stand out.
I managed in less than half an hour, and ran because he was late. I got there and I saw upon entering, I think he saw me, so I turned around, I like it's not, and I continued my way. I left the coat in the closet, and turned off the light , someone covered my eyes. And only with these words made me fly:
- Let's dance together until the end of the day. Never come to leave you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Id Bracelet For Aneurysm Patients Who Wander


're a thought, an idiot, an asshole, you're going to cool, you get the interesting, silly, I HATE YOU. That way, you forget, that I have decided. Every day you go through a different, must have if you hear I would not be one more. ALREADY? Did you hear? WHAT DO YOU SAY IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE? Or rather, I'll summarize: No Turning
I am truly sorry for posting this entry here know I should not but I had to write it. Is that why you used to write, no? To vent, and today I needed it. And I can not more, but I have only one thing clear .. NO TEARS will release ONE MORE FOR GUYS LIKE HIM.
I hope I understand. Thousand kisses.

What Does An Army Aviator Do

Fallas 2011 Was No Evil 3,2,1 ..

On Saturday we karaoke contest, we had prepared "the Delegation of Youth" of Failure, and although it does not look good when we got off at 9 to prepare a few things, and then when we saw a couple of tables down whole and that no other couple of tables told us they do not call you because they would not leave, despite d it, he said, came out pretty well.

And faller living wit and improvisation. From The Supreme Mostoles (Presi included in the group) with their wigs and breast-arrobas hung up my cart with shopping cart included, to a super interpretation of where you go, Peter Pan won the first prize. I think all we had While such night.

And now the starting gun, the real one, the children Fallitas already planted this morning and 35 minutes we are invited to pick up our ninot to Ninot Exhibition (first aware of who stands Ninot indultat the largest, to see if you voted, so like yesterday I hit the child indultat ninot, which was not the fault but it was some kids looking at a bakery on the day of Sant Donís with marzipan berries, very cool). In the evening dinner of the plant and the plant itself. And tomorrow last day of work until after failures. Intensive day through, from 7 to 15 as we are all week.

Nothing, I'm a porno on my new blouse and scarf and "Valencia Fallas"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Corner Of Lip Infection

To Fallas 2011 Opening of the Barraca

The opening more soulless I've spent in my life, surely he would have won last year but that day, I think, was a bachelorette party for Moni. This year at least I have the perspective that rake in just 3-4 days to pass down to Valencia Fallas, the last year or so. Well
was so sad that our table was Rebecca and I, her older sister and her son 3 years old d this and a recent college brainiac-half-geek (God forbid I have nothing against geeks, I I am, but in a different category different). The average of the other tables was of 8-10. To all this on my side of the table I was alone, and the other on the other side. I do not hear anything, not if ever I talked about my slight hearing problem or attention deficit d or something that I have ... At work tb me about my sisters and not to repeat over and over what? Excuse me? At the end smile with the face of "how right you are, I think the same about you" And you know what they have said.

Finally it is time to reward delivery, which always excites me and today only the two who obtained the greatest reward I have been excited. Such was my off with my environment I've been thinking about the fashions of the Fallas blouses that do not matter, but I must tell you. A few years ago it became fashionable that the Fallera Mayor and Mayor Fallera Children would be purchased the same model of the blouse and also embroider with your name. Could also add to the pack as a tissue and in turn different from what we have in common the rest of the fault. Well today also sets "Mayor-Fallera Fallera Mayor Infantil" I have found family groups with the same blouse y. .. disturbing the way to mark the territory: couples who have the same frock (and / or tissue). Well at least I save much @ s the throw things at someone matched
Oh by the way ... how it rains!

Second of course, that's terrible what happened in Japan, I hope tomorrow I wake with bad news from South American coasts, as I predicted this afternoon

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Milena Velba Bigboobs

''''I miss you

It was a simple bag. He picked up the essentials and goodbye. He left his house without knowing where to turn. I just wanted to spend hours and forget about it. I just wanted to make the time pass quickly. Give a quick tour around town, and leave tomorrow to leave everything behind.
It covered the entire city. He saw many people known and many others for personal reasons, declined to say hello. Bought clothes at stores that even she knew that if he stayed, what descambiaría all in two days.
And without knowing why, ended in the usual bar, the bar that brings so many memories. There were many people, music, noise, alcohol, smoke, laughter, loss of control. But it was as if he heard anything, good, rather, is that she would not listen.
sat on the stool is free of the corner and ordered a beer to the one waiter who was in the bar that den. He was back, but even so, he reminded. Well, actually, she saw him everywhere.
Your beer never arrived. What I arrived was a cocktail along with a note saying MISS YOU.
She also felt the same thing and knew it. But he fled, he left there as fast as he could. He left the city with the hope of not view it again.

He left behind what she loved most, only for fear that went wrong.
He left behind not just stumble twice with the same stone.
you close the door to the last chance he had.
¿Creéis que hizo bien o se equivocó?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Suitable Pension Plan

My anonymous friend, who occasionally shows his brilliance by the comments of this blog the day after tomorrow is going to work, to live in short, to Irlada.

This will be the beginning of a great adventure. Good luck, bon voyage.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Write Money Bridal Shower Invitations

Temporary Algeciras.

¡Hola! Hoy no voy a subir una entrada normal como siempre; hoy día 6 de Marzo os hablaré del temporal de mi ciudad, Algeciras. La ciudad está situada al lado del mar así que nunca ha nevado ni granizado (bueno sí, pero hace aproximadamente 25 años, así que yo no existía). Hoy, os enseñaré estas fotos. Se han inundado aproximadamente 150 casas más los garajes y empleos, el agua en el centro de la ciudad alcanzaba un metro de altura y por lo que he podido escuchar, también schools have been flooded. In the main streets, cars are washed away. Here you photos:

What the reason for all you know what WAS?
I hope your weekend has not ended as badly as ours! A HUGE kiss!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Long Should A Chapter Be In A Novel Words


Not long ago, six of my blogger's award gave me the SWEETEST BLOG . But that's not all, last week, two of my followers give me back to another stilish BLOGGER AWARD.
The rules of this award are:

  • Place 7 things about myself: I love the beach, I do not like the smell of gasoline, I'm Andaluza, I love the photography and writing, eating watermelon, summer dress in winter, go out without knowing where to go, everything related to computers, I hate eating snails, and I love animals.

  • Giving Award to 10 more blogger:
- because two of them I will return to Laura Cloud and colorful, the two links I put above. A Laura, because her blog is AWESOME and I never tire of visiting. A Cloud Colorines, because in his blog sells its own designs and are very nice,) and have a lot of personality.

Sorry to those I have not been able to give the award, only ten. But THANK YOU, ALL AND EVERY ONE of my fans:) and say that all, you deserve this award, because you who do I keep writing and having a lot of courage to follow this blog. For me, ALL ye winners of this award.

Have a nice weekend!