Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sinus Infection After Stomach Flu?

I am.

envy people who could have provided the same group of friends. This group of friends who know from an early age and they are still your best friends.
I, fortunately or unfortunately, that I could not live. But my ESO ME DA SAME ..
These people did not have what I had. Neither lived what I lived. Yes, I admit, my life is a mess full of crazy, but I like that.
When you say "Hey I've been to London and Paris" and look at you to face ... Fuck YOU. In those moments I could give a good cut and name all the places where I have lived or visited, but I prefer to keep quiet, act as if my life was normal, although it is not.
is hard, very hard to change your life overnight. It is difficult to accept that your life around 360 degrees so big in so little time, that you have to move, say goodbye to the people you love. To have cost someone else, my good, I cost, I had a hard .. But here I am, I'm happy (sometimes) ..
just know he would not trade my life for any! Soy como soy, and who does not like, fuck.

This entry was written at a very good FRIEND of course, deserved to put it here. As you read, your life .. Not the best I could have. You move every 3 years, so that every time, you have to leave everything behind and start again from 0. Do not know when you come to leave and not seeing his smile and good cheer every day is an amazing girl.


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