Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do Condiment Packets Go Bad


Oh yes, I'll spend everything that hurt me. I'll spend the guys and their little boy games. What we're not your throwaway toys! I turn to the absurd comments of criticism from people who do not know what they say, I will to lose my time defending the indefensible. I got tired of being the good of the film, and for good to be silly. I got tired of screaming when one listens to me and pretend to smile when I mourn.
Now I have to change. I show them that I'm playing manipulated, I'm no fun. Desmostraré I'm not always a girl laughs and also talk about serious issues. I will stop spending hours in front of the books and I'll show more. Will achieve more independence and more affectionate. Calm down my temper if that do that around me everything is going better. Make the best of myself and focus on my problems. I will not be the angel of the world, which solves the problems of others, but that his life is a real mess because they do not have time for her.
From now on, dear world : GOING TO ENJOY.


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