Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Is It Working At Menchie's

CONGRATULATIONS S. Yes, today is the birthday of the person that is so important in my life and I want more than a lot, infinite. It is not my boyfriend or my best friend, no, nothing like that, but my MOTHER .
Le quería dar las GRACIAS , por TODAS y cada una de las cosas que ha hecho por mi.
Por traerme a este mundo, por darme cariño, una educación, comida, un colegio. Gracias por enseñarme a hablar, a comer, a andar.. Por enseñarme tantísimas cosas y por todo el tiempo que ha empleado en mí. Por todos esos días que no podía dormir y ella estubo conmigo; o cuando estaba enferma, por cuidarme y protegerme. Por hacer posibles todos mis caprichos: tenis, atlétismo, natación, hípica.. y more. Because I know that although sometimes scolds me, do it for my sake, because she never wanted anything that was bad for me, because it teaches me and makes me better. Because it is the person who I know better in this world. Because as a mother is not NOBODY . Because a mother knows your faults and your virtues, and he loves you as you are. Because he knows when you are well and when you want to mourn, because he knows when you have problems, because they know solutions.
Because whatever you do, always there to give you a hug.
That's a mother. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
With this post I'm not going to get many comments or to upload my fans, but it is not my intention. The purpose of this post, I think it is quite clear, CONGRATULATE THE DAY MY MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY.
PS: Congratulations to Laura, turning the blog into the world, who turns 16 years old today.


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