Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lymphedema More Condition Symptoms

Do not waste your life.

You know you have to do to live well life? Stop being so high-developed, have if you realize once this is worse.
Arise in the morning and salt in their pajamas to the street, painted nails, each with a color and give you the same if you go or not dream of going from Madrid to Barcelona in scooter, dinner with churros chocolate and breakfast steak and chips, sleeping by day and make the world at night, take an umbrella in the middle of August and go to the beach with, , laugh, mourn anytime ..
why you are unhappy, because you can not have fun, do not know what it is doing crazy things, do not know how to enjoy life you have, because you can not live! Y is that life does not come with an instruction manual, but is that even if I did, I'd throw it away, because I do not need, because each person writes their rules and your life.
With each of my 70 wonderful fans who give me such support and strength to keep having hope in this blog. You are much . MIL BESOS!


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